Well here we are. Taper town. It’s been a very long 12 weeks. At the beginning you
think, wow. Three whole months of relentless daily training. Every Sunday morning when everyone else is asleep or doing something better, I’m out on the pavement.
For a few hours at a time. Then it’s over and you then start to worry, did I do enough, were my log runs long enough, were my short runs hard enough, did I do intervals, did I at least try to lose some weight?!?
The only answer I will find will be on the road in Chicago.
Forget the first 21 kms. They are a distraction and just don’t even think about anything. Try to
enjoy the first 21kms.
Fatigue starts at 30kms. Pain starts at 35kms. Character comes after that.
The last 7kms is all about guts. Stay up, don’t cry (too much), don’t faint, don’t fall, don’t stop. No matter what. See you at the finish line.