Neck Pain
The cervical region comprises of 7 vertabrae allowing movement in flexion, extension, rotation and lateral flexion. This movement is important for us to be able to see and hear our surroundings, and to orientate ourselves in our environment.
Neck pain can occur with simple small movements such as sleeping incorrectly or rotating too quickly, to severe movements such as motor vehicle accidents, sporting impact injuries and falls. Due to the proximity of the neck joints to the cervical nerves, injuries can result in significant pain and weakness. Chronic neck pain can result if these injuries are left untreated.
As with all spinal injuries, a thorough spinal orthopaedic assessment should be undertaken in the event of Neck Pain, as well as a comprehensive neurological examination to ensure there are no injuries to the sensitive neural structures. Neck pain relief can be achieved under the care of a Sports and Spinal Chiropractor.

Common Causes of neck pain
- Sleeping incorrectly
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Impact injuries in sport, rugby tackle
- Compressive fall on to the top of the head
Common Symptoms experienced with neck pain
- Pain radiating down one or both arms
- Pain whilst sneezing
- Decreased movement in neck
- Swelling of the neck structures
- Muscle spasm
- Headaches

Common conditions causing Neck Pain
- Cervical disc injury
- Facet joint sprain
- Torticollis
- whiplash injury
- Cervical flexor/extensor muscle sprain/strain
How Neck Pain Affects your lifestyle
- Cannot drive due to restricted movement in neck
- Disturbed sleeping patterns due to pain
- Weakness in performing everyday tasks such as lifting shopping bags
- lost workplace productivity due to headaches
- Unable to exercise due to pain