Knee Pain
The knee is a pivot point for movements that occur throughout the lower leg and ankle. It is a hinge joint and offers stability to the leg during weight bearing movements. The knee is acted upon by strong leg muscles and stability arises from several strong ligaments.
Injuries to the knee can result from high intensity activities such as from sudden rotation or excessive force, or from structural issues in the joint leading to weakness and instability. Knee injuries are common in runners, soccer and rugby players and weightlifters.
Knee pain treatment at Liveactive Clinic involves both our Spinal Sports Chiropractor and our Biomechanics Podiatrist. Knee injuries require careful diagnosis to determine which structure is injured and if poor biomechanics have played a part in the injury. It is important to assess these conditions so you can achieve relief from knee pain.

Causes of Knee Pain
- Incorrect Running technique
- Sports or impact injuries
- Poor biomechanics
- Overuse/overloading injuries
Common Symptoms Experienced with Knee Pain
- Pain when walking or load bearing
- Pain or swelling at rest
- Sharp catching, locking or popping in the knee during movement
- Limping

Common Conditions causing knee pain
- Anterior/Posterior Cruciate Ligament tear
- Collateral Ligament tear
- Muscle sprain/strain
- Osteoarthritis
- Patella tracking syndrome
How knee pain affects your lifestyle
- Can’t run or exercise without pain
- Feelings of weakness or instability during movement
- Decreased effectiveness/duration of exercise
- Unable to sit for long periods