5 Healthy Benefits of Taking Pilates Classes

Benefits of Pilates

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Pilates is a system of exercises that emphasises your body’s core and is designed to help improve your physical strength, flexibility, endurance and posture. Pilates is an excellent way to tone up or lose weight, and its focus on abs, obliques, thighs and bum will leave you beach body ready leading into the warmer months. Aside from helping you to look and feel better, here are some other little known benefits Pilates has to offer.


  1. It can boost your brainpower

Studies have shown that after 10 weeks of Pilates training, subjects’ showed an increase in the brain’s alpha peak power, which is linked to memory performance and other cognitive functions.


  1. You become more flexible

Pilates can increase flexibility and help to stretch sore muscles, which limit your body’s range of motion.

  1. You’re a better athlete

All the muscles in the body are connected through your core, hence why having a strong core can improve other activities like running, yoga and weightlifting.


  1. It can help during birth

Pilates strengthens your pelvic floor muscles. Women who partake in Pilates report having incredibly fast deliveries as strong muscles make delivery easier.


  1. Ease back pain

A strong core is directly related to a healthier back. Studies show those with chronic lower back pain who participated in Pilates over a period of 4 weeks, experienced more relief than those who didn’t.


Live Active has many modalities which complement pilates. For more information call 02 8073 3337